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You have 0.000000 ALGO
0.00% of total supply
You have 0.000000 ALGO
$7.06k mcap
Deployment progress: 12.14%
7 028 990 493 tokens left for sale4 927 out of 76 259 ALGO in the bonding curve
VOI mainnet ALGO
2 months ago
VOI is out of testnet!
22 days ago
Based meme token
2 months ago
Feels Good Man
2 months ago
For the culture LFG
2 months ago
VOI Bois big mad that Algo could launch VOI before the purple faced voibois get to dump another round of betanet coins on us.
2 months ago
$ALGO is the ticker
2 months ago
We making it out of algorand with this one 🔥🔥🔥
2 months ago
Voi Algo going wild!
2 months ago
that fills me with condiments thx
2 months ago
Community funding secured boys. Totally not VCs
2 months ago
this is the real voi right?
2 months ago
chris.voi approves this, maybe idk, just speculating here
2 months ago
Ima pamp it!
2 months ago
Pamp it
2 months ago
pamp mah bags voi bois
2 months ago
ngl the ticker is hilarious
Block Made byVestige Labs